Acquisition Number: 1968.100.002
Original work:
Original size: 27 by 30 inches
One map entitled ”Partie Occidentale du Canada et Septentrionole de la Louisiane avec une Partie de la Pensilvanie [Western Part of Canada and Northernmost Louisiana with a Part of Pennsylvania].” The map is printed in black ink on a slighty yellowed paper. Some red and green ink has also been used to highlight boundaries and topographic features. It was drawn by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville and was published by Paolo Santini of Venice, Italy, in 1775. The map covers the area from the Mississippi River valley eastward to the eastern edge of Lake Ontario and from the Ohio River valley northward to Lake Alemenipigon [Nipigon] and the south shore of James Bay. The names of principal lakes, rivers, forts, towns, and Indian tribal regions are shown in French along with lines of latitude and longitude.
Reproduction Size: 20 x 23.5