Museum Quality Fine Art Reproductions
Beirut Watch
Beirut Watch
Sergeant Arturo Alejandre,USMC
Accession Number: 2012.1151.9
Original work: Oil on Canvas
Original size: 30.5 by 36.25 inches

A Marine surveys the landscape outside Beirut International Airport’s perimeter in 1983. Any building could hide a sniper, and all unusual movement is reported to the Marine Amphibious Unit headquarters. On 23 October 1983, two trucks laden with explosives struck two buildings in Beirut that housed U.S. Marines and French service members, part of a multi-national peacekeeping force deployed to Lebanon during a violent civil war. The death toll was 307, including 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and 3 soldiers.

Reproduction Size:
If not indicated, the average reproduction is approximately 20x26 inches. All reproductions are custom printed and can be printed/framed to various sizes. We are happy to quote various options. Contact Us
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