Museum Quality Fine Art Reproductions

Dumfries Distinguished Citizen Bandstand, Dumfries, Virginia
Dumfries Distinguished Citizen Bandstand, Dumfries, Virginia
Joseph Rudinec
Accession Number: 1498
Original work: Photograph
Original size:

"The Dumfries Distinguished Citizen Bandstand was erected by the Prince William County Historical Commission and dedicated on July 10, 1976 during the American Independence Bicentennial. Originally dedicated to William Grayson, a historic citizen of Dumfries who served as assistant secretary and aide-to-camp to General Washington during the Revolutionary War and as one of Virginia’s first senators, we now choose to honor past, present, and future community heroes!" - Historic Dumfries Virginia

Reproduction Size:
If not indicated, the average reproduction is approximately 20x26 inches. All reproductions are custom printed and can be printed/framed to various sizes. We are happy to quote various options. Contact Us
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